Mueller Adhesive Backed Foam Rubber combines the durable cushioning capability of foam rubber with a sturdy adhesive backing, allowing you to stick it wherever needed.
Add some extra padding to an abrasive spot inside of various footwear to prevent abrasions/blisters or to take pressure off problematic areas.
Valuable in various physical therapy applications for both patients and medical professionals. Apply to casts, braces, walkers, canes, crutches, prosthetics, and more to help take stress off injured areas and prevent chafing. This product is non-sterile and is not intended to be used for specialized post-surgery applications. Please check with your medical professional prior to use in any other medical application other than its intended use.
Available in 1/8 and 1/4-inch-thick rolls, or a variety pack of 6 inch x 12 inch foam sheets (4 1/8 inch thick, 4 1/4 inch thick). Made in the U.S.